Technically Feasible

Technically Feasible

Confessions of an Enterprise Software Developer


Getting Started with Java Message Service (JMS)

Remote procedure call (RPC) systems, including Java RMI, are synchronous -- the caller must block and wait until the called method completes execution, and thus offer no potential for developing loosely coupled enterprise applications without the use of multiple threads.


Introducing Test Suites

As projects grow in size and complexity and otherwise mature, they tend to accumulate a large collection of automated tests. Testing your software at multiple levels of granularity is important to surface problems quickly and to increase developer productivity. In Gradle 7.



JCL is a configurable, dynamic and extensible custom classloader that loads java classes directly from Jar files and other sources. The motivation was to create isolated classloaders, which can be easily integrated with IoC frameworks like Spring and with web applications.


Java SPI - a simple hello world service

I recently needed a simple example of an SPI implementation I could send around as copy and paste template. After some looking around I found some tutorials, but most of them were rather heavy in the implementation and are thereby loosing the point of being a simple extension system within the JDK.


Modularizing with Micronaut Framework

In this blog post, I’m going to explain how you can make use of the Micronaut framework to organize your project code in such a way that you can externalize and modularize some of your @Beans. These beans can be used as β€œcommon” and can be shared between several projects.


This means that my content, or at least part of it, is still available if I need to migrate instances again.

I need to further refine the process, as media and emoji are hot linked. This was not my preference but I could not get my head around async await at 2am.


Last night I switched the method through which I import my mastodon toots from here into my #11ty blog.

It now pulls changes when a ci build is triggered using an external script, rather than during the render/build phase. It does this by generating markdown files with yaml frontmatter. The process creates a new commit which in turn triggers a full build of the site on the main branch.